Associated Telecom Limited is dedicated to providing excellent customer service throughout the duration of a customer’s relationship with the company. This published Complaints Policy provides clarity to parties on how all complaints are handled in the most efficient way, keeping the customer at the centre of everything we do.
As a customer of Associated Telecom Limited, we hope you will be happy with the level of service you receive, however, should our standards fall below a level you consider satisfactory, you are entitled to make a complaint to us. The following document outlines our policy and procedures for the handling of all complaints submitted verbally or in writing via email, fax or posted letter.
We always aim to resolve complaints in the quickest, most efficient way possible. In order for us to do this we would ask that customers make us aware of any issues they are unhappy with at the earliest point possible. You can do this using the following methods:
By Phone: please call our main office on 0330 053 5533
By Email: please contact or email your account manager directly
By Post: please address any correspondence to Customer Care, Associated Telecom Limited, Pemberton House, Stafford Park 1, Telford, TF3 3BD
Our Responsibilities:
Handling Your Complaint:
Steps to resolving a complaint:
Please note, a complaint may be resolved at any step in this process and complaints may not reach the last step in the process.
Step One: A complaint is received by our staff via telephone call, email, fax or post. Upon receiving your complaint, we will ensure we fully understand your complaint and may make contact with you to clarify any issues. The vast majority of complaints can be resolved very quickly either by rectifying issues we are made aware of, explaining processes or systems and the way that they work, or providing evidence that counteracts the complaint.
Step Two: If we cannot resolve your complaint using the above methods or your complaint requires further, in depth investigation, we will notify you. This investigation may take 30 days to complete, however, we will keep you updated as the investigation and your complaint progresses. An experienced member of staff will be tasked with gathering that information and will then respond to you advising if we can rectify your complaint quickly either by rectifying issues we are made aware of, explaining processes or systems and the way that they work, or providing evidence that counteracts the complaint.
Step Three: If you remain unsatisfied with the way your complaint has been handled or the response provided to you, you may ask the member of staff dealing with your complaint to escalate your complaint to a Company Director. In this case a Company Director will review the history of the complaint, and carry out any further investigation into areas they feel necessary.
Step Four: Following their investigation, the Company Director will write to you confirming the outcome and resolution within 10 business days. At this point we will consider your complaint resolved.
If you are unhappy with the resolution provided, you will then have the following options:
Ombudsman Services are approved by Ofcom, the UK communications regulator, to independently handle disputes between consumers and communications providers who are signed up to their scheme.
The type of services that are covered by the communications sector are:
The most common types of communications complaints Ombudsman Services deal with involve:
Unfortunately, they are not the right people to deal with complaints about things like:
Ombudsman Services can process complaints for:
You can escalate a complaint to Ombudsman Services by visiting their web page at
For certain issues, you may also wish to raise your complaint to the following:
PLEASE NOTE, before escalating your complaint to a third party please ensure that you are familiar with the Terms and Conditions of your agreement with Associated Telecom Limited. If you do not have a copy of these current Terms and Conditions then please send a request email to or alternatively visit to view them.